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The Resurrection of Jesus

The Holy Bible records that Jesus was crucified for the sin of the world on the Passover and three Hebrew days later arose from the dead according to his own prophetic words and the Power of almighty God.

When Jesus was ministering before his death on the cross Jesus said there shall be no sign given to this generation other than that of prophet Jonah, for as Jonah was in the belly of a whale three days, so shall the Son of man be three days in earth, or the grave.

Jesus foretold on several occasions that he would be judged, killed, and rise again the third day.

Exactly three days after Jesus expired on the cross Jesus did just that. After Jesus bled and hung on the cross, his dead body was taken down and prepared for the burial. A wealthy believer in Jesus had a sepulcher, or tomb, made ready for the body and sealed the opening with a great stone.

The Jewish religious authorities recalling what Jesus said, that he would raise the third day to life, though they did not believe this necessarily, they petitioned the Romans to put a watch of Roman soldiers around the tomb of Jesus.

Jesus died on the Passover, was taken down from the cross on the evening of the first holy day of the feast of unleavened bread, which was a Sabbath high day.

Jesus rested from his work on the cross on the holy Sabbath day in the grave.

The third Hebrew day came, and in the morning several female believers in Jesus came to the sepulcher to anoint his body with spices. They were shocked when they saw the great stone rolled away covering the opening of the sepulcher. The Roman guard of soldiers had fled. In the tomb were the burial cloths of Jesus, but Jesus was not there. There, the women were visited by a messenger of God, or angel, who informed them that Jesus was not there for he was risen, and to go and tell the other disciples of Jesus what they had seen and heard.

Jesus appeared to one of the women, Mary Magdalen, whom Jesus had healed, that morning and told her to go and tell the other disciples that Jesus has risen from the dead.

Later that day Jesus appeared to two of Jesus’ disciples and walked with them as Jesus taught them the scriptures concerning himself and why Christ had to suffer for the glory of God and later sat down to eat with them. But before they realized whom they were talking to he vanished before their eyes.

The women and the two disciples who witness Jesus go and tell the other of Jesus’ disciples, but they did not believe the report.

Jesus that very evening of the third day then appears in the middle all of the 11 of the 12 disciples where Jesus shows them his scars of the nails and the marks of on his feet, hands and the wound in his side.

Later that week Jesus appears to the disciples who were fishing, on a beach and eats some fish and talks to his disciples. This the third time Jesus appears to his disciples.

It’s recorded in the Holy Bible Jesus spent forty days, following his death and resurrection, teaching the things pertaining to the kingdom of God with his disciples and many other believers who had witnessed his risen life before Jesus leaves them in his ascension to his Father, Almighty God in heaven.

Read about the Ascension of Jesus.

May God bless you this day with his Holy Spirit.
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