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The Ascension of Jesus

After Jesus was risen from the dead having conquered death and atoned for the sin of the world, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene at the open tomb of his resurrection and said to her, “Touch me not for I have not ascended to my Father” and he told her to go tell the disciples of Jesus, “I ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

This was the first ascension of Jesus the Christ to the Father to receive the Kingdom of Heaven and all power by Almighty God to sit down at the right hand of God in all of God’s glory.

Jesus the returned to his disciples appearing several times as the alive risen Christ. It is recorded in the book of Acts Jesus was witnessed appearing, staying, and teaching, his disciples for forty days. At the end of forty days Jesus commanded his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father to receive power from God and his Holy Spirit, or be baptized by the Holy Ghost.

Jesus told them they would receive power after the Holy Ghost had come upon them to witness to Judea, and Samaria, and all the regions of the world, the testimony of Christ Jesus and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And when he spoken his last words to them, they witnessed his final ascension to the sky and he was received into heavens before their eyes. While all the disciples of Jesus watched Jesus ascend out of sight, two messengers of God appeared, two angels, who said, “You men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven for this same Jesus which was taken up into heaven will return in like manner.”

The angels were announcing Jesus promised return!

Seven days later the disciples all gathered to pray in Jerusalem as the Lord had commanded them. Exactly 50 days following the Passover and passion week, on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit of God fell on the disciples and thus began the first day of the Church Age, or Age of the Holy Ghost, and the kingdom of heaven that Jesus preached about and proclaimed was now a reality on the earth.

The kingdom of heaven had finally come to mankind.

From the day of Pentecost, the birth of the Church, until today, the Church, the Body of believers of Jesus Christ, patiently, fervently, wait for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christ shall not come again in the form of a lowly baby, but as the glory and power and triumphant Kingship of Lord of Lords and King of kings the Mighty God and Holy Redeemer and the Great Savior of the world to gather his saints, the Church, and his elect of both the living the dead saints of God.

This is the Second Coming of Jesus all the world shall witness, where Christ will gather all his people and they shall be his holy people and He shall be their God forever more.

Now that you have read the Gospel of Jesus in this brief synopsis would not you like to get to know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus? He sits at the right hand of Almighty God. He died for your sins. There is power in his holy name.

Won’t you repent to God of your sins and be baptized in his saving name?
Then you will receive the promise of the Holy Ghost.

Then you will be covered by the blood of the lamb and you will be one day soon be gathered by Jesus in his triumphant return when he gathers his saints in the rapture of the Church.

Praise God, and praise Jesus for he has redeemed his people, Israel!

May God bless you this day with his Holy Spirit.
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